Q: The Collective Bargaining Agreement was ratified – so when does it take effect?
A: The contract took effect upon ratification by the members of United Academics.. However, this contract is complex, and it is not possible to implement all 45 articles immediately. The first order of business for the University and the Union will be to establish implementation priorities. In articles where the CBA reflects current policies and practices, those policies and practices remain the same and are, in effect, implemented. However, some terms of the contract require new policy development with significant faculty engagement. It will not be possible for the faculty to address all of these items at once. The University will work with the faculty and United Academics to establish an orderly implementation strategy that allows for the level of faculty engagement called for in the CBA. In several areas – for example, salary floors for NTTF and equity raises for TTF – the contract establishes joint committees that will begin work now that the contract has been ratified. Policy implementation in these areas will follow completion of the committees’ work.
Q: Who’s in charge of making all the necessary changes in the contract agreement?
A: This is a collective bargaining agreement – which means the terms are to be honored by both parties and that both parties are responsible for effective implementation. We are working with representatives from United Academics to address the new policies and procedures necessary to fully, efficiently and effectively implement all terms of the contract, and we look forward to this continued partnership as we work through the many issues before us. Together we will work to communicate as progress is made and key policies are established.
Q: When will the raises in the salary package be implemented and when will they go into effect?
A: Again, this contract is complex with several layers and opportunities for salary increases, including:
- Across the board increases (retroactive to FY2013 and current for FY2014)
- Merit increases
- Increases upon promotion
- One-time $350 bonus
Our goal is to execute the various pay increases as quickly as possible. We are working with representatives from United Academics to develop an appropriate and efficient process for implementing the one-time bonuses, across the board, merit, and promotion increases.
When we have developed the detailed timeline and procedures, we will communicate the dates and schedule of payment. Our goal is to have these questions resolved and a timeline and payment schedule in place by November 30.
Q: Are there changes in the process for promotion and tenure?
A: By and large, Article 13 on Tenure Review and Promotion codifies existing practice. In several places, it provides additional clarity or detail to existing guidelines associated with scholarship, creative inquiry, teaching and service. Particularly in the areas of teaching and service, the CBA criteria permit a more robust and well-rounded portfolio. The personal statement is expanded to include contributions to institutional equity and inclusion. The CBA also more clearly defines the requirements for reviews and aligns the materials and procedures for three-year reviews to those for promotion and tenure. In some instances, timelines are established, which may require a review of existing time frames. For those undergoing post-tenure reviews, a sabbatical portfolio should be submitted if applicable.
Q: How are decisions made about who is in and out of the bargaining unit, and how will the university and union track faculty as they move in and out of the bargaining unit?
A: A faculty member’s status as represented or non-represented is straightforward in most circumstances. Faculty with instructional or research appointments who do not fall into an excluded class of employees, are in the United Academics bargaining unit.
Oregon law excludes supervisory and “confidential” employees from collective bargaining units.
- In general, a supervisory employee is someone having the authority “to hire, transfer, suspend, layoff, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward or discipline other employees, or responsibly direct them, or to adjust their grievances, or to effectively recommend such action.”
- In general, a “confidential” employee” is “one who assists and acts in a confidential capacity to a person who formulates, determines and effectuates management policies in the area of collective bargaining.”
All UO faculty who hold administrative appointments with “president,” “dean,” “provost,” or “department head” in their titles are non-represented faculty. The areas where the distinction becomes more complicated are related to program directors and principal investigators on funded research grants. Here the determinative question is the level of supervisory authority over bargaining unit members. Generally, if the principal investigator on a grant supervises bargaining unit members, he or she is not in the union.
Department heads and other faculty who move from instructional to administrative appointments are not represented by the union while holding an administrative position, but return to the union when they leave administration, unless they qualify as a supervisor.
The CBA requires the University to provide United Academics with a list of faculty appointments on a regular basis.
Q: Who do I contact if I have concerns about being in the Union?
A: The Union is the exclusive representative for bargaining unit members for matters addressed in the CBA. All faculty who are not exempt as described above are represented by United Academics. In cases where the status of the faculty member may be in question, the University may request a review of the position; however, personal preference is not grounds for review.
Q: As a result of this agreement, what will be different?
A: Our goal with this contract is to establish improved communications, efficiencies, and consistency in process and decision-making, and to formalize a working relationship of shared objectives with the faculty on behalf of our students. On a day-to-day basis, not much will look different on campus, but the process of decision-making as it relates to our shared mission will be strengthened.
Q: Is there more information about United Academics?
A: The official website for the UO United Academics union is: http://uauoregon.org/