CBA Contract: Implementation of Salary Increases

The implementation of across-the-board and merit salary increases for faculty represented by United Academics is well underway and paychecks issued on Jan. 31, 2014, should reflect increases that were effective July 1, 2013. Unit heads will be sending letters reporting individual faculty members’ increases to each faculty member before the end of January.

The following chart and the relevant section of “CBA Article 26: Salary” outline the structure and timeline for implementation of this increase.

Salary Increase
Salaried Employees

(+-1,370 emp.)
Hourly Employees

(+-80 emp.)
Terminated Employees***

(+-380 emp. )
FY 14 1.5% ATB
Paid: 1/31/2014
 Paid: by 2/15/2014*
 Paid: TBD**
 FY 14 Merit Raises
 Paid: 1/31/2014
Paid: 1/31/2014
FY 13 1.5% ATB
 Paid: 11/27/2013
 Paid: 11/27/2013
Paid: by 12/10/2013
*The calculation of the FY 14 across-the-board increase for hourly employees requires further communication with departments to accurately determine the number of hours worked in June/July.  Assuming timely response from those departments, we anticipate having the pay increases paid to those employees, via manual check, on a rolling basis, by February 15
  **Date set once process for current employees is completed.
***Employees on the payroll when the CBA was signed in October 2013.

Article 26:Salary

Section 1. Across the Board Raises

(a)          FY 13. All bargaining unit faculty members hired on or before June 30, 2012 will receive a salary increase equal to 1.5% of salary effective January 1, 2013.
(b)          FY 14. All bargaining unit faculty members hired on or before December 31,
2012 will receive a salary increase equal to 1.5% of salary effective July 1, 2013.
(d)          FY 15. All bargaining unit faculty members hired on or before December 31,
2013 will receive a salary increase equal to 1.5% of salary effective July 1, 2014.
(d)       One Time Payment. This paragraph applies to bargaining unit faculty members employed on the effective date of this Agreement.  Each bargaining unit faculty member employed at 1.0 FTE will receive a one-time payment of $350, payable in the first regular paycheck after the expiration of 30 days from the effective date of this Agreement.  Bargaining unit faculty members employed at less than 1.0 FTE will receive a prorated amount.

Section 2. Merit Raises
(a)          FY 14. The University will establish a pool for merit raises for all Tenure-Track and Tenured Professor bargaining unit faculty equal to 2.0% of the total base salary paid to all eligible bargaining unit faculty members in the Tenure-Track and Tenured Professor faculty classification.

The University will establish a pool for merit raises for all Non-Tenure-Track bargaining unit faculty members equal to 2.0% of the total base salary paid to all eligible faculty members in the Non-Tenure-Track Faculty classifications.
Bargaining unit faculty members will be consulted in developing the criteria and processes for allocating the respective merit pools within each department or unit. Such consultation shall be documented and faculty recommendations shall be accorded substantial consideration.

Criteria for allocating the merit pool shall take into account all teaching; scholarship, research, and creative activity; and service accomplishments since the last merit raise preceding the Agreement.
Each department or unit head will recommend merit increases, if any, for each bargaining unit member in the department or unit to the appropriate dean, vice president or designee, who will make recommendations to the Provost or designee.

Merit raises for FY 14 will be effective as of July 1, 2013.


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