Other related documents and resources will be posted here when available.
- Memo from Interim President Bob Berdahl Regarding Formation of a Faculty Bargaining Unit, April 24, 2012
- Bargaining Team Memo
- FAQ on union negotiations and recognition
- The University of Oregon ranks significantly lower than its identified peers for its level of unrestricted net assets relative to operating expenses, according to data from the University’s finance team. The numbers show UO is 61st of 71 public flagship institutions for its reserve funds. Review the rankings and read more about the University’s unrestricted net assets in a new report presented to United Academics: Unrestricted Net Assets at the University of Oregon
- Read a report from “Inside Higher Ed” on the debate over unrestricted net assets at universities in other states.
- Message from Interim Provost Scott Coltrane, August 16, 2013
- Press Release: United Academics and the University of Oregon reach tentative agreement on first collective bargaining contract. “Our students benefit from the talents of professors who share their knowledge and passion for research and scholarship every day and this first contract reflects a fiscally responsible agreement that rewards excellence and invests in our faculty – strengthening the University of Oregon for all of our community,” said UO President Michael Gottfredson. “ I look forward to continuing to work together to advance the UO as a premier public research university and a campus community that attracts and retains teachers, scholars and researchers who represent the highest levels of accomplishment and innovation in their fields.”
- Memo from Interim Provost Scott Coltrane, September 20, 2013
- Press Release: United Academics and the University of Oregon reach tentative agreement on first collective bargaining contract
- FAQ on tentative agreement, September 23, 2013